

The work of archaeologists is generally based on the classification of archaeological artefacts. Amongst all observable intrinsic descriptors (material, decoration, fabrication mode/chaine operatoire, etc.), the shape is often considered as the most important feature, giving clues to study chronological, social, religious or cultural aspects of ancient populations. Although archaeological classifications are well elaborated nowadays, they are sometimes considered as being subjective, ambiguous and hardly implemented.

The main goal of my research is therefore to bridge the gap between archaeology and recent developments in mathematics, statistics and 2D/3D imagery, in order to automatize the process of  artefact documentation, classification and attribution, and to bring a normative and standardized solution, allowing to overcome the linguistic, temporal and spatial limitations.

My research concerns

  • The material productions and cultural transformations of Bronze and Iron Age European communities
  • Optimisation of archaeological documentation, classification and interpretation
  • Application of morphometrics, statistics, 3D and GIS modelling, pattern recognition and virtual reality in archaeology